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Nordic Accounting offers a full range of accounting services to support your ambitions and relieve your burden, from advice on how to enter the Nordic market to preparation of annual closings. We will ensure you have the facts you need to make the right business decisions.

Our main services are accounting, payroll management and comprehensive business consulting.

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Accounting as you like it


Professional and accurate reports are the basis of successful business management. All of the Nordic Accounting partners provide full accounting services. Our network offers the unique possibility to get equivalent services for all Nordic countries through the same, local partner.

Among our accounting services are cost accounting, handling of ledgers, invoicing, VAT accounting and tax returns, budgeting, reports and monthly accounts, annual reports and more.

We willingly help you build a system that works optimally for you, from all-inclusive turnkey solutions to us providing your company with the software and the support for independent financial management.

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Payroll/HR Services


By outsourcing payroll and HR management more time is left over for your core business. We handle everything from program updates to training sessions. You can rest assured that all local regulations, labour agreements and tax legislations are followed. We also have the necessary knowledge in social security contributions, necessary insurances, taxation matters and much more.

Using the Nordic Accounting group leaves out the necessity of operating with four separate partners when operating in the entire Nordic market. We will assist you in payroll management for the four countries through one single contact, and provide you with joint reports for the entire Nordic market.

Our payroll services include input and calculation of base salaries, sending payslips electronically or per post, treasury services (paying employees from a client account), reporting to government, monthly journals and reports based on your chart of accounts and assistance in registering employees.

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Wouldn’t it be nice to have an accountant by your side that not only understands the numbers, but realizes the other challenges you face when running a business in a foreign environment such as the Nordic market? We are glad to navigate you through the regulations, intricacies and local practices of each separate country. We offer a broad array of advisory services from the very early steps of business establishment to year-round, continuous and dynamic business planning support. Areas where we provide advisory services are tax planning, financial analysis and bookkeeping solutions – to mention a few.

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Tax Compliance


Our Tax services are designed to meet your business tax compliance and advisory needs.

Our professionals draw on their diverse perspectives and skills to give you a seamless service through all the challenges of planning, financial accounting, tax compliance and maintaining effective relationships with the tax authorities.

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  • Corporate tax
  • Personal tax
  • Indirect tax
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